Elvira's Story
My heart was captured in an instant by Elvira, a three-pound baby girl who was two months old -- and dying. I held her in one hand, as she was too small to cradle in my arms. I looked into her soft, brown eyes and stroked her cheek as I prayed for her. I trembled as I noticed that my index finger was larger than this child's leg.
"I'll get you help," I promised her.
"You will live and NOT DIE."
With your help through Bridge of Hope, Elvira is now safe. We placed her in the hands of doctors and nurses who would care for her and save her life. She will live and not die.
Thank you for making a difference. What you give to the Lord is an eternal investment. The Bible tells us that when we give to the poor, we lend to God. What an amazing thought, God "owing" us... He pays us back so much more than what we lend!