Killer earthquake kills thousands — displaces millions!
You can help — rush aid with Bridge of Hope

Your Bridge of Hope teams already have life-saving emergency aid en route to the desperate victims of the killer earthquake and aftershocks that devastated parts of Syria and Turkey but much more is needed, and you can help!

The 7.8 magnitude earthquake is the worst in a century in the region — and the death toll is over 50,200 with millions displaced as thousands of buildings and homes were devastated.

Severe winter weather hampers rescue efforts, and the victims are struggling for survival in freezing temperatures.

You can help rush food, clean water, sheltering supplies and other emergency aid with your generous gift to Bridge of Hope now — and you will also help Pastor Parsley continue preaching the Gospel to a lost and hurting world through City Harvest Network and Bridge of Hope.

But the needs are urgent right now, so please don’t delay! Give generously as God leads you, and remember, the Lord rewards those who are generous to His children in need! “He who has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he gives of his bread to the poor” (Proverbs 22:9).